Caroline is a trauma-informed breathwork and yoga therapist who has been practising for nearly thirty years and accumulated over one thousand hours of training, including further courses on Yoga for Peri/Menopause, the NHMS Confidence in Menopause course as well as additional studying in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, in the context of an Advanced Yin Yoga training.
Extolling the health and wellbeing benefits of breathwork alongside movement, she has personal experience of how breathwork and yoga can be part of a holistic approach to menopause, supporting and alleviating symptoms.
Adverse life experiences can resurface at this time, as a woman’s nervous system responds to the fluctuations in hormones, and this is why she is passionate about delivering a trauma-informed approach.
With breathwork at the foundation of what she teaches followed by movement, meditation and relaxation, these limbs of yoga unify to help calm our minds and bodies, easing the stress of everyday life. Within the context of menopause, she defines these practices as an opportunity for women to look inwards, tuning into their bodies and making space to listen to their own needs, as they transition into the post-reproductive part of their lives.
She integrates yoga philosophy into all her teaching, which compliments Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, by supporting interoception. Changing the inner dialogue can help increase a woman’s understanding of the link between thoughts, actions and feelings. By pausing and recognising these cycles, tools can be found to support mental health.